Thursday, April 28, 2016

Create a rubricto assess e-projects


Here I am again all by myself, teamwork is over :( but that doesn't mean we are done with new ICT challenges.

Today I am going to talk to you about my newest challenge: Creating a rubric to assess e-projects.

For this assigment I had to create a rubric to evaluate my CLIL e-project, to create it I have decided to use a tool called Quick rubric. I've never heard of this tool, but after using it I 've seen how easy it is.
It is an online tool to create anykind of rubric you want, you just have to create an account and start working! It's really simple, the template is already there, you just have to fill the boxes with the information you want, you can add as many columns and rows as you like.

Also you can give your rubric a title and a brief description to clarify what your rubric is about. With Quick rubric you can also adapt your score rating to your own criteria. When you are finished, you just have to save it and the web tool will send you and email, to the email adress you provided when making the accunt, with an URL to share your rubric.

The thing that I really liked about this toll is that whenever you want to change your rubric, you can do it easily just click on edit rubric and make all the changes that you want.

Here you can see my rubric:

Finally I just want to add, that while doing this assignment I have realized how important rubrics are when you are evaluating someone's work. For me, as a current student and future teacher, rubrics help students understand why they have got the grade they did. I wish that when I was a student, more teachers have used rubrics when assessing some of my work, it would have saved me a lot of trouble!

Thanks for reading, I will be back with more challenges!

Marina :)

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